Chapter 18 of Winning English Grammar and Composition by Mureed Hussain Jasra (CSP)
PMS 2022 Solved Paper
English Precis & Composition
(Q)No. 1: Write a paragraph of 200 words on any of the following topics. (20 marks)
- Neocolonialism
- Ethics and journalism
- Consequences of rural migration to cities
- A critical analysis of the judicial system of Pakistan
Topic: Neocolonialism
Neocolonialism represents a particular form of imperialism wherein powerful nations exert economic, political, and cultural influence over less-developed countries, often through indirect means. Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana, described it succinctly as “the last stage of imperialism.” Neocolonialism perpetuates economic exploitation, maintains dependency, and reinforces inequalities inherited from colonialism. Another prominent scholar maintains that the basic confrontation which seemed to be colonialism versus anti-colonialism, indeed capitalism versus socialism, is already losing its importance. This shift reflects the subtlety of neocolonial tactics, where former colonizers maintain control through economic mechanisms, international institutions, and cultural hegemony. Scholar Walter Rodney argued that neocolonialism operates through multinational corporations and unequal trade relationships, exacerbating underdevelopment in post-colonial nations. Moreover, renowned author Edward Said illustrates how Western powers construct and perpetuate stereotypes about non-Western cultures, influencing global perceptions and policies. Neocolonialism’s impact extends beyond economic exploitation to include political interference, as seen in the manipulation of elections and support for authoritarian regimes to safeguard Western interests. Hence, neocolonialism maintains power imbalances, impedes self-determination, and perpetuates a global hierarchy. As Paulo Freire asserted, “Washing one’s hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.” Therefore, combating neocolonialism necessitates collective action, decolonizing minds, fostering economic autonomy, and challenging structural inequalities to realize genuine global justice and solidarity.
(Q)No. 2: Use any 10 of the following idiomatic expressions in your own words. (10 marks)
- Get your act together
- Scrap the barrel
- Cut corners
- Lose your marbles
- Bite the bullet
- On the ball
- Take a rain check
- To get bent out of shape
- Keep up appearances
- To fly in the face of
- . Comparing apples to oranges
- The salt of the earth
- Get your act together: You need to get your act together before the big presentation tomorrow.
- Scrap the barrel: With only a few rupees left in his bank account, she was scraping the barrel to buy groceries for the week.
- Cut corners: I finished the assignment early by cutting corners, but it lacked the quality I had hoped for.
- Lose your marbles: I completely lost my marbles when I realized that I had forgotten my phone at home.
- Bite the bullet: Despite his fear, he decided to bite the bullet and face the fastest bowler in the world.
- On the ball: He is always on the ball during meetings and responds to every question diligently.
- Take a rain check: I’m really busy this weekend, but can we take a rain check on dinner and do it next week instead?
- To get bent out of shape: He tends to get bent out of shape whenever things don’t go his way.
- Keep up appearances: He is now keeping up appearances despite having no money in his bank account.
- To fly in the face of: You must fly in the face of convention by educating your women.
- Comparing apples to oranges: You are comparing apples with oranges. There is no match between Hollywood and Bollywood.
- The salt of the earth: The social workers who tirelessly help their community are the salt of the earth.
(Q)No. 3: Write a letter to the Inspector General Police about the discriminating attitude of the police towards the citizens.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
April 15, 2022
The Inspector General Police,
IG office,
Subject: Discriminatory Attitude of the Police towards the Citizens
Honorable Sir,
I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of grave concern regarding the discriminatory attitude exhibited by some members of the police force towards citizens in our community. It has come to my attention, as well as that of many others, that certain individuals have been subjected to unfair treatment and prejudice based on factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender during their interaction with law enforcement officers.
As a responsible citizen deeply committed to uphold principles of justice and equality, I find it disheartening to witness such behaviour within our law enforcement agencies. The fundamental duty of the police is to serve and protect all members of society impartially, regardless of their background or circumstances. Discrimination not only undermines public trust in the police but also erodes the principles of fairness and justice upon which our society is built.
I seek your prompt attention to take immediate and decisive action to address this issue within the police force. Officers must receive comprehensive training on diversity, cultural sensitivity, and bias awareness to ensure that they uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in their interaction with the public. Additionally, mechanisms should be established to enable citizens to report instances of discrimination and to ensure that such complaints are thoroughly investigated and addressed.
It is my sincere hope that you will give this matter the attention it deserves and take concrete steps to rectify the discriminatory practices within the police force. Together, we can work towards building a safer, more inclusive community where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect under the law.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.
Yours sincerely,
Write an application to the General Manager, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) about the installation of gas in your colony.
Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
July 21, 2022
The General Manager,
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL),
Subject: Request for the Installation of Gas in the Colony
Venerable Sir,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue concerning the residents of Shadman, located in Lahore.
As you are aware, Shadman is a densely populated residential area comprising several households. However, despite the growing demand and dire need for access to clean and affordable energy sources, our colony still lacks access to natural gas facilities. This has posed numerous challenges for the residents, especially during the harsh winter months when alternative heating sources become expensive and unsustainable.
Therefore, on behalf of the residents of Shadman, I would like to humbly request the installation of gas pipelines in our locality by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL). Access to natural gas will not only alleviate the financial burden on the residents but also improve their quality of life by providing a reliable and environmentally friendly energy source.
We understand that the process of infrastructure development requires time and resources, but we earnestly appeal to you to prioritize the installation of gas pipelines in our area. We are willing to cooperate fully with SNGPL authorities and provide any assistance necessary to expedite the implementation of this project.
Thank you for your attention to this important issue. We look forward to a positive response from your esteemed office.
Yours sincerely,
(Q)No. 4 Write the antonyms of the following words. (5 marks)
- Astigmatism
- Centrifugal
- Diurnal
- Exhaustible
- Gluttonous
- Astigmatism: Clear-sightedness
- Centrifugal: Centripetal
- Diurnal: Irregular
- Exhaustible: Inexhaustible
- Gluttonous: Satisfied/Satiated
(Q)No. 5 Change the narration of any five of the following sentences. (5 marks)
- My father often told me, ‘’ Every obstacle is a stepping stone to success’’.
- Ali said, ‘’I must go to Lahore to visit my ailing mother’’.
- ‘’Hurra’’! said the captain of the team, we won the match.
- He said to me, “Do you know the facts”.
- “ Could you ever afford to displease your parents”, said I to my friend.
- The teacher pointed, “ Here in this mausoleum lay buried the king.”
- He reminded me, “ When the cat is away the mice will play.”
- The king said, “ You have made me feel happy with your sweet music although I have never felt so much happy before.”
- My father said to me that every obstacle is a stepping stone to success.
- Ali said that he had to go to Lahore to visit his ailing mother.
- The captain of the team exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
- He asked me if I knew the facts.
- I asked my friend if he could ever afford to displease his parents.
- The teacher pointed out that there, in that mausoleum, lay buried the king
- He reminded me that when the cat is away, the mice will play.
- The king expressed that the musicians had made him feel happy with their sweet music, although he had never felt so happy before.
(Q)No. 6: Change the voice of any five of the following sentences. (5 marks)
- They built a new house last year.
- The manager will announce the results tomorrow.
- He wrote a beautiful poem for her.
- The company awarded her with a promotion.
- They are organizing a charity event next month.
- The teacher will grade the exams this week.
- He has painted the entire room blue.
- The police arrested the suspect yesterday.
- A new house was built by them last year.
- The results will be announced by the manager tomorrow.
- A beautiful poem was written for her by him.
- She was awarded a promotion by the company.
- A charity event is being organized by them next month.
- The exams will be graded by the teacher this week.
- The entire room has been painted blue by him.
- The suspect was arrested by the police yesterday.
(Q)No. 7: Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. (10 marks)
- He insisted…..seeing the documents.
- She made a point of coming late so that everyone would look…..her.
- How are you getting….at school?
- In spite of the heat, he refused to take….his coat.
- He is unreliable do not count….. his help.
- He is interested…history.
- He began explaining the wonders of the brain and its ability to conjure…..subconscious fairy tales.
- In other words, 1300 hundred people were jostling…..every single position.
- They looked back upon his pusillanimity….. awe.
- After all, everyone assumes that people hanker……happiness and pleasure.
- He insisted on seeing the documents.
- She made a point of coming late so that everyone would look at her.
- How are you getting along at school?
- In spite of the heat, he refused to take off his coat.
- He is unreliable do not count on his help.
- He is interested in history.
- He began explaining the wonders of the brain and its ability to conjure up subconscious fairy tales.
- In other words, 1300 hundred people were jostling for every single position.
- They looked back upon his pusillanimity with awe.
- After all, everyone assumes that people hanker after happiness and pleasure.
(Q)No. 8 Make a Precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. (20 marks)
What the future of oratory in general will be is impossible to forecast. The English word ‘orator’ seems to have fallen on evil days. It is rarely used without a slightly derisory accent as when men say with curious emphasis, ‘I am no orator as Brutus is’. The orators of ancient times felt themselves to be engaged in a task of the highest worth and value. They were ‘shaping works for all the future’ and “offering themselves to be examined by all-testing Envy and Time”, as one of the ancient writers said when defending and praising the scrupulous care taken by Demosthenes. Today, the care and attention given to the art of public speaking has sensibly declined. Sir Winston Churchill was, in many respects, a survivor from the golden age of oratory. No doubt it could be said of him as was said of the great orator of ancient times, ‘he adopts no thought, no word at random, but takes much care of both the arrangement of his ideas and the graciousness of his language”. English oratory is adorned with many famous names and among them, Churchill stands extraordinarily high. For more than fifty years he has expressed himself on great national and international matters, and the volumes of his speeches are a history in themselves. Many of his speeches will live as examples of human speech at its highest and best, and they will be woven into the fabric of our history and the history of the world.
The future of oratory is uncertain, and the term “orator” is often used with a hint of derision. In contrast, ancient orators saw their task as highly valuable, shaping works for the future and submitting them to scrutiny. Today, public speaking has declined, but Sir Winston Churchill stands out as a master orator, carefully crafting his ideas and language. With a career spanning over fifty years, his speeches on national and international matters are a testament to exceptional human communication, and an illustration of the highest and best oratory, woven into the fabric of history.
Title: Churchill and the Legacy of Oratory: A Reflection on the Future
Words in Passage: 260
Words in Precis: 95
(Q) No. 9 : Translate the Following Passage into English. (15 marks)
اس کرہ ارض پر زندگی کو تباہی بربادی اور غیر فطری اور غیر طبعی موت سے بچانے کے لیے بقائے باہمی کے اصولوں کی پابندی ایسی ناگزیر ہے کہ انسان تو انسان حیوان بھی اس کا شعور رکھتے ہیں ہیں جنگلی حیات کا معمولی مشاہدہ کرنے والوں کو یہ بھی علم ہے کہ مختلف انواع کے جانور باہم مل کر رہتے ہیں۔ چارے پانی کی تلاش میں اجتماعی سفر کرتے ہیں سینکڑوں ہزاروں کی تعداد میں اکٹھے رہتے ہیں اپنی خوراک کے حصول کی جدوجہد میں ایک دوسرے کو فنا کر دینے کی کوشش بھی نہیں کرتے ۔ درندے اگر چرندوں کو چیر پھاڑ کر کھا جاتے ہیں تو اس لیے کہ وہ اگر ایسا نہ کریں تو ان کی بقا خطرے میں پڑ جائے گی تاہم ان کی چیڑ پھاڑ وہاں ختم ہو جاتی ہے جہاں ان کی بھوک مٹ جاتی ہے۔ درندوں کے برعکس انسان ہیں کہ ان کی بھوک ان کی زندگی میں کبھی مٹتی نظر نہیں آتی ان کا پیٹ جیتے جی ممکن حد تک سب ہڑپ کر لینے کے باوجود نہیں بھرتا تو قبر کی مٹی سے بھرتا ہے۔ تاہم تاریخ کے مطالعے سے یہ بھی معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ کبھی کوئی دور ایسا نہیں رہا جو انسانوں میں باہمی محبت کے جوت جگانے والوں کی جدو جہد سے خالی رہا ہو.
To save life on this planet from destruction, devastation and unnatural and premature death, the observance of the principle of coexistence is so indispensable that both humans and animals are aware of it. Even those with casual observation of wildlife are aware of the fact that animals of different species live together in harmony. They travel in groups in search of food and water, live together in hundreds of thousands and do not even try to destroy each other in their struggle for food. The predators tear and eat the prey, because if they do not, their survival will be at stake, but their tearing ends when their hunger is satisfied. Unlike beasts, the hunger of human beings never seems to be quenched; in their life, their stomachs are filled with the soil of the grave, even if they eat everything possible. However, the study of history also shows that there has never been an era that has not been devoid of the efforts of those who invoke mutual love among human beings.
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