PMS 2023 Solved Paper
English Precis and Composition

Q.No.1 Write a Paragraph of 200 words on any ONE the following topics. (20 Marks)

  1. The Geopolitics of Climate Change
  2. Feminism and Islam
  3. Where flowers bloom so does hope
  4. Man is what he reads

Man is What He Reads

The things a person reads shape their mind, personality, and character. Books, articles, and even the media we consume influence how we think and behave. For instance, someone who reads about science and technology may develop an innovative mindset, while a person who reads about kindness and compassion may become more empathetic toward others. Reading provides knowledge, which helps a person make decisions and form opinions. It also expands the imagination, allowing people to see the world from different perspectives. What we read also reflects our interests and values. A person who loves novels might value storytelling and creativity, while someone who enjoys history books may be drawn to learning about the past. Even the choice of genres: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or self-help tells a lot about an individual’s personality. However, not everything we read is beneficial. Reading negative or misleading content can lead to harmful thoughts or behaviour. That’s why it’s important to choose reading material wisely. Positive, meaningful content helps shape a person into someone who is informed, thoughtful, and kind. In the end, just as the food we eat nourishes our body, what we read nourishes our mind. Truly, man becomes what he reads.


Q.No.2 Use any FIVE of the following idiomatic expressions in your own words. (05 Marks)

  • Out of the woods
  • Chasing rainbows
  • To live like maggot in bacon
  • Bee’s knees
  • Like chalk and cheese
  • All hat and no cattle

a. Out of the woods (Out of danger)

  • The patient is now out of woods.

b. Chasing rainbows (Trying to achieve something impossible)

  • He would not be able to go abroad, for he is chasing rainbows.

c. To live like a maggot in bacon (To live in great comfort)

  • After getting selected in PMS, he living like a maggot in bacon.

d. Bee’s knees (Something excellent)

  • His performance in the test was bee’s knees.

e. Like chalk and cheese (Completely different)

  • An optimist and a pessimist are like chalk and cheese.

f. All hat and no cattle (Someone who talks big but has no real ability or action)

  • No one likes a man who is all hat and no cattle.

Q.No. 3 Write the three antonyms of each of the following words:                (05 Marks)

  • Megalith
  • Penchant
  • Xenophobic
  • Sedentary
  • Squalid

a. Megalith (a large stone used in prehistoric monuments)

  • Antonyms: Pebble, grain, fragment etc.

b. Penchant (a strong liking or preference for something)

  • Antonyms: Aversion, disinterest, dislike etc.

c. Xenophobic (having a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners)

  • Antonyms: Open-minded, welcoming, inclusive etc. 

d. Sedentary (inactive or involving little physical activity)

  • Antonyms: Active, energetic, mobile etc.

e. Squalid (dirty and unpleasant, often due to neglect)

  • Antonyms: Clean, pristine, hygienic etc.


Q.No.4 Change the narration of any FIVE of the following.                                (05 Marks)

  • “What was simmering beneath the surface of their relationship?” she wondered.
  • “The fatal flaw in the plan would not have been overlooked if a more collaborative approach had been taken,” the historian observed.
  • “Haven’t you been stabbing me in the back by hiding the scandal, and now I am left feeling jilted and betrayed?” he said.
  • “Good Morning students, I will be taking your mathematics class” said the new teacher.
  • “You had better not leave your room unlocked,” said my friends.
  • The man said, “No, I refuse to surrender my rights.”


  • She wondered what had been simmering beneath the surface of their relationship.
  • The historian witnessed that the fatal flaw in the plan would not have been overlooked if a more collaborative approach had been taken.
  • He asked if he had been stabbing him in the back by hiding the scandal. Furthermore, he affirmed that he was left jilted and betrayed.
  • The new teacher after greeting the students said that he would be taking their mathematics class.
  • My friends said that he had better not leave his room unlocked.
  • The man informed in negation that he refused to surrender his rights.


Q.No.5 Change the Voice of any FIVE of the following.                (05 Marks)

  • No one will be pulling the strings from behind the scenes to reveal the truth, because the fancy words of the conspirators will be keeping the secret under lock and key, and they won’t be spilling the beans anytime soon.
  • The clandestine operative is perpetually compromising the security protocols.
  • It is estimated that millions of people visit the site every year.
  • Where will she meet you?
  • The chairs had to be carried upstairs by the old lady.
  • Her smile is said to hide a secret.


  • Future Continuous: cannot be changed.
  • The security protocols are being perpetually compromised by the clandestine operative.
  • The site is estimated to be visited by millions of people every year.
  • Where will you be met by her?
  • The old lady had to carry the chairs upstairs.
  • A secret is said to be hidden by her smile.

Q.No 6 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.                                               (10 Marks)

i) She was very excited _________her upcoming marriage.

 (at, with, about, over)

ii)I am looking forward _________buying a new car next month.           

(with, at, from, to)

iii)My nephew is married __________ a famous actress.                          

(with, for, to, by)                          

iv)Can you find our town ___________ the map?                                      

(over, in, on, up)

v)Please turn _________the volume of the music. I am getting deaf.   

(down, over ,behind ,of)

vi)Your absence was fatal___________ our plan.                                      

(to, for, of, after)

vii)He is blind __________reason>                                                               

(to, of, about, in)

viii)Success consists __________hard work.                                                

(at, of , to, in)

ix)Do not jeer _________ the poor.                                                               

(about, for, on, at)  

x)She is not mindful_________ her responsibilities.                                  

(for , of, about, in)



i) She was very excited about her upcoming marriage.
ii) I am looking forward to buying a new car next month.
iii) My nephew is married to a famous actress.
iv) Can you find our town on the map?
v) Please turn down the volume of the music. I am getting deaf.
vi) Your absence was fatal to our plan.
vii) He is blind to
viii) Success consists in hard work.
ix) Do not jeer at the poor.
x) She is not mindful of her responsibilities.


Q.No.7 Make a précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title.             (20 Marks)

Title: Iqbal’s Vision of Inclusive Nationalism

Benedict Anderson’s idea of nationalism as an “imagined political community” is similar to Muhammad Iqbal’s view of national identity. Iqbal believed Islam could bring people together, going beyond differences in region and sect while respecting different cultures. He combined Islamic values with Western ideas like self-rule, democracy, and creativity. Iqbal did not support Hindu nationalism because he saw it as too exclusive. Instead, he promoted an inclusive approach where fairness, equality, and the well-being of all people were most important. His idea of nationalism was based on strong moral values, not just temporary benefits. Today, his vision still inspires the idea of a united and peaceful society, where people find strength in unity.

Word Count of the Passage: 341

Word Count of the Passage: 112

Q.No.8 Translate the following passage into English.                                           (15 Marks)

جو معاشرے ذات پات کی تقسیم یا ادنی اور اعلی طبقوں میں بٹے ہوئے ہیں وہاں پر مراعات یافتہ طبقے اس بات کی کوشش کرتے ہیں کہ یہ فرق باقی رہے، لہذا  اس کو مستقل کرنے کی غرض سے جہاں سیاسی نظام کو اس طرح سے تشکیل دیا جاتا ہے کہ جس میں کچلے اور پسے ہوئے لوگ اقتدار سے محروم رہیں اور بے بس ہو کراہل اقتدار کے ہاتھوں استحصال کا شکار ہوتے رہیں ۔ دوسری صورت یہ ہوتی ہے کہ انہیں معاشی طور پر پس ماندہ رکھا جائے تا کہ  وہ خوش حال اور مراعات یافتہ لوگوں کے محتاج رہیں اور اس معاشی محتاجی کے نتیجہ میں ان کے شکر گزار رہتے ہوئے ان کے وفادار رہیں ۔ اس تقسیم اور فرق کو گہرا کرنے کی تیسری چیز سماجی اورثقافتی اقدار  و روایات ہوتی ہیں کہ جو روزمرہ کی زندگی کے حاشیے پر موجود طبقوں کو یہ باور کراتی رہتی ہیں کہ سماج نے ان کے لیے جو جگہ مقرر کر دی ہے و دو ہیں پرقائم رہیں ، اور خود کو ذہنی طور پر اس نچلی حیثیت کے لیے ہمیشہ تیار رکھیں ۔

In societies divided by caste or class, the privileged class often strives to maintain these divisions. To make this disparity permanent, political systems are designed in a way that keeps the downtrodden and oppressed out of power. They are left powerless, exploited by those in authority, stuck between a rock and a hard place. Another way this divide is sustained is by keeping marginalized groups economically backward. This ensures they remain dependent on the wealthy and privileged, forced to live hand-to-mouth. As a result of this economic dependency, they end up grateful and loyal to their benefactors, tied to them with strings attached. A third tool used to deepen this divide is social and cultural norms. These traditions repeatedly reinforce to marginalized groups that they must stay in the place society has assigned to them. They are conditioned to accept their lowly position, preparing themselves mentally to remain at the bottom rung of the ladder.

Q.No.9 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. (5×3=15 Marks)


  1. Language is not just the ability to make noises with our mouths. According to the author, what else does it enable us to do?
  2. Why does the writer think we take this ability for granted?
  3. How do birds or animals make use of sounds in their life?
  4. What one feature of body language is common to both humans and animals?
  5. Suggest a suitable title for the passage.


  1. Language is not just the ‘ability to make noises with our mouths’. According to the author, what else does it enable us to do?
    Language allows us to transmit ideas, thoughts, and complex information to others. It helps us communicate effectively, shaping our emotions and mental states. This ability sets humans apart from animals and highlights the uniqueness of human communication.
  2. Why does the writer think we take this ability for granted?
    The writer believes we take this ability for granted because it feels so natural that we rarely stop to appreciate it. Since speaking and understanding language comes effortlessly, we overlook the complexity and wonder of this unique human skill.
  3. How do birds or animals make use of sounds in their life?
    Birds navigate thousands of miles by observing stars and time, while bats use sound systems to locate flying insects. These natural abilities demonstrate how animals rely on sound for survival and essential activities, much like humans use language.
  4. What one feature of ‘body language’ is common to both humans and animals?
    Both humans and animals use body language to express emotions like anger or submission. For instance, bristling fur in animals’ signals aggression, while humans use gestures like a bowed head to show humility or sadness.

  5. Suggest a suitable title for the passage.

             Title: The Miracle of Language and Communication






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